50 Self Question (Colongan Blog Kak Mella)

Ini pertanyaan gaje yang gue jawab separuh ngantuk dan separuh cari-cari PSD coloring LOL. Makasih Kak Mella. Maaf ya nyolong duluan. Ini punya kak Mella : KAMEL

Kredit goes to:

Kris | Dista dee | Chocokailate | Takyuyaki | Ukwonism

Q1: What is your recent work?

Q2: The most recent big event that you have attended?
Pembentukan Panitia Bubar Integral (nggak big sih padahal -_-)

Q3: Recent target?
Jadi maba lewat SBMPTN

Q4: Recent worry?
Kemaren gak bisa ngerjain tes nyaaaaaa T-T

Q5: Most recent person you’ve called?
Mmmmm lupak deh. Semalem telfon sama kusi lama sih tapi.

Q6: The fashion items you like recently?
Daddy’s tees, jeans, sandal lol

Q7: With whom did you recently take photos with?

Q8: What did you buy recently that made you happy?
Pocky Chocolate, Goodtime cookies YUMMMYYYYYY

Q9: Recent hair colour?
Black MEOW. I’m a black cat~~~

Q10: Most recent dream?
Dapet full scholarship ke Korea, nonton CMWT Ina di festivalnya, nonton Chelsea Liverpool besok Juli 😦

Q11: Favourite leisure activity?
Bikin dan baca FF

Q12: Favourite movie actors?
Johny Depp! Taylor Lautner too (he’s handsome), Alex Pettyfer.

Q13: When do you feel that you are most sexy?
After eating something spicy. MY LIPSSSS LOLLL

Q14: Ideal type of man?
Mike Lewis? Hahahahahahahahahahahaha (I’m laughing now)

Q15: Favourite aspect of yourself?
My pure laugh

Q16: What kind of fashion do you like to see on man?
Rapi, bersih, wangi, style I don’t care

Q17: Favourite genre of books?
Baca semua buku sih. Jadi gabegitu peduli sama genre

Q18: What do you do when you’re unhappy?
Makan (pocky misalnya), tidur

Q19: Favourite fashion style?

Q20: Do you like to watch horror movies?
Kadang sih, kalo lagi ada temen aja

Q21: The places that you go frequently?
Tempat les, kampus Wamir, kios ibuk, kos amek & kusi

Q22: Any weird habits?
Gigitin kuku, goyang-goyangin kaki

Q23: The aspect of yourself that you think you are better than your friend?
Mungkin lebih cepet adaptasi ya ._. terus gampang deket sama orang

Q24: Do you laze in bed/refuse to get up in the mornings?

Q25: Do you live with your family or friend?
Sementara sih masih sama family dong ❤ family oriented banget soalnya

Q26: Do you share secret with your friend?
Tergantung yang mana dulu nih….

Q27: How often do you wash your clothes?
Tiap pagi, dude. Gue kan rajin /ea/ kalo udah tangannya rusak semua /okesipbanget

Q28: What do the friends do that you can’t stand?
Gak nepatin janji sama lupain temen sih kayaknya.

Q29: Do you think that you are the type who are popular among man?

Q30: What do you like to do when you’re at home alone?
Fangirlingan, nonton film yang gak bisa ditonton kalo ada ibuk (bukan blue film ya), karaokean sama temen, ngundang temen ke rumah, banyak deh.

Q31: The age you were when you debuted on writing fiction?
Lupa sih ini. Mungkin sekitar kelas 7-8 SMP. 11-12 tahunan lah.

Q32: The first work you did after your debut?
Ikut l0mba tapi gak pernah menang. Tulisannya masih alay sih dulu.

Q33: The first work you published?
FF tentang Jonghyun-Minho. Lupa judulnya.

Q34: The most unforgettable memory of growing up?
Banyak sih ya. Ketemu orang-orang baru yang beda-beda, berantem sana-sini, banyak sih.

Q35: Your aspiration when you were a kid?
Anggota DPR, Astronot

Q36: Your reaction when your works were quite successful?

Q37: The most difficult task/work you have received so far?
Apaan sih, tapi tes saintek kemaren bikin mules deh serius

Q38: The part of your childhood you miss most?
Anak Aksel generasi ke 2 SD Cemara Dua. Mereka classmates terbaik deh. Terus apa ya… gak bisa main sampe sore kayak dulu kayaknya.

Q39: Your favourite cartoon character when you were young?
Gila banyak banget. Doraemon, Pokemon, Winx Club, Conan, BANYAKKKKKKK DULU TUH SURGA BANGET DI MANA MANA KARTUN HAH

Q40: The most hurtful sentence you’ve heard?
Ada dehhhh rahasia

Q41: If you had a 2-week break, what will you do?
Bobok, bikin ff, kalo ada uang ya main. Hahahahaha

Q42: If you could change a part of your body, which part would it be?
Mungkin biar kurus dan mancung ya…

Q43: If you were to become a girlfriend of an idol..?
Tergantung sih ya…. kalo sama Kris gitu kayaknya happy happy aja. BODO AMAT SAMA YANG GAK SUKA

Q44: In the future would you want a daughter or son first?
Son then daughter :3 Lucu aja gitu kalo ada kakak cowok bisa ngelindungin adeknya

Q45: If a billion dollars dropped from the sky for you, what will you do?
Sujud sukur dulu, terus naik haji sama keluarga, terus bikin usaha, terus disedekahkan, sisanya buat keliling dunia

Q46: If you lost your way during a vacation, what will you do?
Kalau udah pengen pulang baru tanya sih. Kalo gak ya sms siapa gitu. Biasa ajalah.

Q47: If you could choose your gender, would you be a male or female?
female dong. Kan aku selalu pengen jadi ibu. HAHAHAHAHA

Q48: If your parents wanted you to get married tomorrow, how will you face it?
Ogah amat. Masih ada cita-cita yang belum terpenuhi. Buat pacaran aja masih males hew

Q49: If you are attacked with vicious comments from antis, what will you do?
Biasa aja sih…. paling ntar juga capeek sendiri.

Q50: If you had a boyfriend, what is the first thing that you want to do?

Oke saya tahu ini najis banget. Tapi ya sudahlah. Efek bosen soalnya.

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